Our learning workshops are highly engaging, fun and practical. Depending on your needs, we can contextualize the workshops to your organization’s needs.
Determine Your Learning Effectiveness
There are 4 levels to learning effectiveness. We match our learning workshops to your desired learning intent. Scroll below to checkout learning program match to your needs.
Level 4 - RESULT
Learning program here focuses on targeted business outcome which uses a blended learning approach and measuring business performance. We achieve this through our Long Term Development Program.
Level 3 - BEHAVIOR
Learning program here focuses on behavioral change in the learners which uses reinforcement activities to support learners in applying their learning back to their workplace. We achieve this through our Long Term Development Program.
Level 2 - LEARNING
Learning sessions here focuses on equipping learners with specific skills by providing the right knowledge and mindset which gears them towards the right attitude. The practice activity during the session allow for them to experiment with the new skill and thus, develop their confidence in applying the new skill. We achieve this through our Learning Workshop solution.
Level 1 - REACTION
Learning session here focuses on creating a positive learning experience where learners are inspired to learn the skills and gain a good overview that supports their learning desire. We achieve this through our Learning Workshop solution.
Select Your Learning Solution
Long Term Development Program
These are 3 – 12 months development program with measurable and observable outcome.
Development Program We Offer
- Executive Development Program.
- Supervisory Development Program.
- Emerging Leaders Development Program.
- New Manager Development Program.
- Seasoned Manager Development Program.
Learning Workshop
These are 1 – 3 days learning workshops that focuses on developing skills.
Workshops We Offer
- Leadership series.
- Team series.
- Culture series.
- Interpersonal skills series.
Engaging Activities In Our Learning Solutions
There is never a dull moment in our workshops.
Facilitated Learning
This is the fundamental technique in adult learning. Facilitated learning is the process of helping learners learn through questioning approach and learners challenge their own assumption and belief in order to gain a deeper understanding of the content.
Experiential Activity
Experiential activity has been proven to be effective in adult learning. It uses the ‘learning by doing’ methodology. Using activity, it makes it easy for learners to grasp complex concepts into concrete learning through their own experience.
Group Work
Group work is another adult learning technique that invigorate the learning. Using social learning theory, group work enable learners to learn from each other and explore learning from different perspective and point of view.
Our energizers are more than just ‘having fun’. We use it intentionally to create a safe learning environment and increase the energy in the workshop. We also use it as a lead in into the learning session.
Video Learning
Video learning adds a different dimension to the workshop. It allows us to bring the external environment into the classroom through visualization. Video learning is incorporated into our workshops to spice it up.
Role Play
Role play is a simulated environment where learners can apply their learning in a safe learning environment.
When it comes to soft skills development, role play is a critical activity we use to hone our learner’s skill.