2030sdg game

What's this game about

The 2030 SDGs Game was inspired by United Nation’s sustainable development goals which was adopted on 25 September 2015 by 193 UN Member States.The 2030 SDGs Game is a multiplayer, in-person, card-based game that simulates taking the “real world” into the year 2030.

Players work to achieve their goal like how they would in ‘the real world’. At the same time they will realize the importance of creating a balanced and thriving world for everyone.

It is a highly experiential, impactful, fast paced and a FUN game.

Who is it for?

It is suitable for corporate, governmental, educational, and community settings.

For corporate, it allow them to reflect on how they impact their society as well their corporate culture.

For government agency, it allow them to reflect how they need to create an environment where the economy,  environment and society to thrive.

For not-for-profit organization, it allow them to see the importance of partnerships and collaborations.

How can this game benefit us?

For our purposes, the game is useful in creating awareness among people in your organization on their impact and the decisions they make on a daily basis. It helps them recognize the importance of sustainable solution, collaboration and personal ownership.

The game is designed to get learners to experience, in a relatively short time how interconnected everyone is and how the choices they make, impact others and the society.